An anglophone from the west. A francophone town. Hoo boy.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

pimp mon char

With gas prices around here averaging 139.4 per litre, and looking to go up, we thought there was no better time to buy a car. Yar. But it's good. Now we don't have to time grocery shopping with the bus schedule, I don't have to wait around for an hour after work if I want to take the bus home, and best of all we can get out of town with minimal effort. Like this weekend, we drove out to see the waterfalls at St.Ursule. I'd forgotten how nice it was to be able to leave the city and go somewhere where you can almost hear the plants photosynthesizing. Here's some video of the falls, photosynthesis not included.


...and... said...

The falls are lovely, but I want video of YOU!

Antoinette said...

The video is gorgeous. I must agree with ...and... You should be part of the video. LOL

With the little ones in tow, it is harder to get out and go for a hike. We had visitors this weekend and they reminded us that we live a beautiful city. We went for a hike, watched the sunset... it was great. If only we had a car that would make it up island!

anyram said...

Well, I guess then I'd actually have to take some video... I'll see what I can do.